training coaching

in presenting, pitching and webinars

presentation skills seminars

Since 2000, we have trained over 10,000 people in high impact presentation skills from large corporate organisations, universities, research-funders, health-care providers, Local Authorities and charities.  Sessions are...

  • designed to make immediate improvements in your ability to present
  • relevant to your subject area, style and audience
  • flexible - from one hour to a full day
  • for any size audience
  • delivered face-to-face at your premises or online

Our sessions are practical: we recommend that delegates deliver short presentations during the seminars that are recorded on video.  These provide an opportunity for you, your colleagues and the trainer to provide constructive, developmental feedback on your presentation style. 


preparation for pitches / interviews

When you need to pitch for research funds, or in front of an interview panel, we can give you:

  • practical and constructive ideas
  • frequent opportunities to practise and improve your pitch
  • sessions delivered online or face-to-face

We've already helped over 50 academics / clinical researchers ranging from Professors to PhD students from Oxford, Cambridge, UCL, King's College London, SOAS, Liverpool, Birmingham and Leeds to pitch more successfully.  

Our clients include a number of research-funders including the Academy of Medical Sciences, Royal Society, Medical Research Council and the the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).  As a result, we are uniquely placed to help you next time you need to pitch in front of a panel.  



We also run seminars on how to deliver webinars effectively...

  • focusing on the design and delivery of high-impact online presentations
  • for staff dispersed in numerous locations or working from home
  • covering all aspects of presenting and pitching online for unlimited numbers
