client testimonials

presenting, pitching and webinars

presentation skills seminars

"I've had a steady stream of people coming up to me saying how good the training was yesterday.  It is the best feedback I can recall from a training event."

Professor Robbie Foy, Leeds Institute of Health Sciences

"Thank you so much for yesterday.  It was honestly the best presentation skills session course I've seen!"

Debbie Meikle, Impact and Engagement Manager, Royal Society

"Your advice was absolutely priceless and incredibly useful!  Major talk today at a scientific conference.  It was very well received and perceived as very accessible despite me talking about electrons and protons (and that's to medics!)  Thank you!"

Professor Arthur Kaser, Chair of Gastroenterology, University of Cambridge

"I would like you to know that Simon Cain's course was fantastic - that man can present!  I have been presenting in front of board level executives for years and presented on live TV and I still learned loads"

Dr Stephanie Kee, Longview

"Presenting used to be a real dread of mine causing huge anxiety.  But yesterday I won a prize for my presenting at the Nutrition Society's conference.  I feel I owe that to the fantastic tips you gave me during your training!"

Dr Victoria Jenneson, Leeds Institute of Data Analytics

pitches / interviews

"One more piece of good news .... got promoted to Professor.  So your training took me from Senior Lecturer to Reader the first time and then from Reader to Professor.  So many thanks!"

Professor Stephani Hatch, King's College London

"Good news - the NIHR have agreed to fund my Fellowship application.  I really appreciate all of your help with the interview preparation.  It made a huge difference to my approach and obviously paid off!"

Samuel Smith, Associate Professor, University of Leeds 

"Based on your advice, I made significant changes to my talk and I've now won an NIHR award. This was my third attempt!  I am absolutely thrilled and so a very big THANK YOU for your wonderful input."

Sharin Baldwin, Professional Lead for Health Visiting, Ealing Hospital Trust

"I applied everything you taught me and have been successful at interview - the feedback was that my presentation was outstanding!  Thanks again."

Charlotte Tucker, Physiotherapy Professional Lead, Gloucestershire NHS

"Hoooray!  I made it to runner-up in the national finals people's choice award.  Thank you Simon.  You have been a great part of this success.  I can never thank you enough."

Dr Nura Tijjani Abubakar, Brunel University 


"Simon, I attended your webinar last week - head and shoulders above anything else I've seen online during lock-down.  Thank you!"

Richard Barnard, Institute Secretary, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience

"This has been outstanding - thank you!"

"Best webinar I've seen during lock-down."

"Fantastic.  Learned so many things.  I'm going to change all my slides immediately!"

"Absolutely loved this webinar - was the best I've attended so far."

Feedback on 'Presenting on the Virtual Stage' - National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)